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Associate an Accountant or Financial Advisor with nBanks

External connections

How to use

The company wants to share its overall banking position with its accountant, so it doesn't have to send information on request. With this feature, your accountant can easily ensure the bank reconciliation of your banking and accounting movements.

Step 1:

Go to the External Sharing feature;

Step 2:

Click on Connect to accountant/advisor;

Step 3:

Select the company through which you want to associate the professional;

Step 4:

Enter your accountant's/advisor's VAT number in the area provided and find out if they are already registered with nBanks.

If the professional is already registered with nBanks, that's enough:

Step 4.1 - Confirm the registered company;

Step 4.2 - Tick the access permissions you wish to assign;

Step 4.3 - Confirm your consent;

Step 4.4 - And finally click on Send.

Step 5:

If the professional you want to invite is not registered with nBanks, simply click on the "Click here" option to send them an invitation to join;

5.1 - At this stage you have the option of sharing the link provided with your accountant/advisor via email or another platform.

5.2 - Or you can enter their email address in the area provided, click + to register the email, personalize the email in the text box provided and click Send.

And that's it! You've just sent your accountant the invitation to get to know and try nBanks!

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